Winston Packaging achieves record-breaking production
Winston Packaging, a fourth-generation family-owned printed paperboard packaging company located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has set a new world job production record on its KBA Rapida 106 41in 6-color press, reaching an average speed of 18,964sph, equaling a total of 127,625 sheets in less than seven hours.

The KBA Rapida 106, which was installed at Winston Packaging in late 2012, has been the company’s flagship press since it was commissioned in January 2013, especially due to its larger format of 106cm.
Several factors helped to determine the final result of this new world job production record at Winston Packaging, starting with a truckload of paperboard that ran well on the press and the firm’s best press crew working that day.
James Gordon, president and chief executive officer of Winston Packaging, said: ‘We were pleased to congratulate our employees for their record-setting performance on the KBA Rapida 106, which ran 127,625 sheets of 29.5 x 41.5in paperboard in less than seven hours with an average speed of 18,964sph on 8pt C1S board.
‘We are proud to be operating this high-performance KBA Rapida press at our facility. This amazing record reinforces our purchase decision to go with a KBA and clearly shows that we have the most productive press in the 102-106 size on the market.
‘We’ve run this same product many times previously but never achieved much higher than 17,500sph average run speed for an entire shift. We weren’t sure if we could achieve average run speeds this high for an entire eight to ten hour shift but our talented press operators made it happen using all of the tools available to them on the press.’
As well as producing the record-breaking world job production on its KBA Rapida 106 41in 6-color press in August 2014, Winston Packaging was also recognized by the Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) for achieving a major milestone for safety as it reached 500,000 hours without incident (lost time accident).
‘We have consistently ranked in the PPC Chairman’s Top Ten list of safest plants coming in at #7 nationally for the month of August,’ said Gordon. ‘We’re quite proud of that safety recognition as well.’
Gordon concluded: ‘Being a third-generation owner of a 103-year-old family business, I can say with confidence that this is the first world record we have ever achieved, at least during my 36 years of service.’
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