Uflex launches new products for pharma packaging
Uflex has launched a portfolio of new products in pharmaceutical packaging that includes fast tear strip foil, PET based cold form blister, child resistant and senior friendly foil, and branding products.

Fast tear strip foil is produced in-house to impart easy tearability of the laminate. Uflex has developed a 20 micron pinhole free soft tempered foil that offers high quality printing on a matte finish and multi-color reverse printing designs on PET film in a special PET, foil and PE laminate. Uflex noted that fast tear strip foil maintains the bursting pressure of the pocket with reduced foil thickness. The value addition of holography with latentogram imparts brand protection on the pack and maintains the same barrier properties when compared to that of a conventional strip pack laminate. This foil conforms to all regulatory requirements of pharmaceutical products and also meets toxicology requirements.
Uflex has further developed alu-alu packaging where a special polyester film has replaced the conventional nylon and PVC while retaining aluminum making it an indigenous product since both PVC and BON have to be imported from other countries. Uflex has also been granted a United States Patent for this development.
Child resistant and senior friendly (CRSF) foils are available in push-through and peel-push types. As the name suggests, it requires some amount of pressure for a child to open it. However, an adult or senior can open it easily. This protects unintentional damage to the foil, which is common with conventional blister foils that can be tampered with during handling and affecting the formulation. CRSF foils are also commonly used in regulated markets.
For brand identity and protection, Uflex offers tailor-made consumer discernible packaging to provide brand identity and medication adherence communication along with highly specialized brand protection packaging technologies.
Amitava Ray, executive director, Uflex said: ‘Fast tear strip foil will prove to be a game-changer for the pharma industry globally and we see a potential growth market of 5000 tonnes annually in India. We are investing in technology, capex and time to raise the bar both in terms of quality and growth.’
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