Labelexpo Americas trials label waste recycling program

Labelexpo diverts 16.28 tons of label waste from landfill by sending it to Convergen Energy, which will turn it into renewable fuel

Attendees at Labelexpo Americas 2024

Labelexpo Americas, one of the flagship shows from Informa’s Labelexpo Global Series, has partnered with Convergen Energy, Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI) and Rosemont Exposition Services (RES) to create a label waste sustainability program that was trialed at the show in September 2024.  

The show organizers were investigating the most efficient ways to divert label waste generated from equipment demonstrations for the landfill, which before 2024 was  increasing the show’s overall waste profile.  

Historically, the label industry has faced challenges with recycling waste because the backing liner of self-adhesive labels was expensive and difficult to recycle. 

The label waste sustainability program created a way for Labelexpo exhibitors to recycle their label waste generated at the tradeshow, while also helping Labelexpo reduce its waste profile.  

The program collected label waste generated at the show and sent it to Convergen to turn into renewable energy pellets. The pellets are then used in solid fuel boilers to displace fossil fuels.  

The program also demonstrated to exhibitors and visitors how they can effectively avoid landfill by recycling label waste generated in their home facilities, showcasing how simple it is to send the materials to Convergen for recycling. 

A total of 45 companies from across the label supply chain took part in the initiative. These companies either registered for the program ahead of the show or were enlisted on-site. Labelexpo Americas 2024 saw the generation of 16.28 tons of waste, all of which Convergen is set recycle into a renewable fuel. 

Ted Hansen, CEO of Convergen Energy, said: ‘Convergen Energy was proud to partner with Informa, TLMI and RES in the waste program at Labelexpo Americas 2024.  Thanks to all who participated and helped divert so many waste materials away from the landfill. As a result of these efforts, our electricity-generating customers will be able to produce over 250,000 kilowatt hours of renewable electricity from these materials alone.’ 

The labels operations team is now exploring the possibility of trialing this program at other shows in the Labelexpo Global Series.