Apex introduces free anilox appraisal program
Apex International has introduced a free anilox appraisal program to help printers address and avoid costly printing challenges.
The Apex Anilox Appraisal (AAA) program will offer on-site appraisal and troubleshooting options drawing on the company’s global technical resources.
Apex International is a global anilox and metering roll specialist. It serves over 5,000 active customers in multiple markets, from narrow web and offset to coating applications, with five production facilities and seven sales offices worldwide.
Primarily designed to improve the experience of Apex’s own customers, the AAA program is also available to anyone looking to address such issues.
Doug Jones, vice president of global marketing for Apex International, said: ‘As the world leader in anilox technical innovation, Apex is in a unique position to help printers better understand the role that the anilox plays in their process.
‘Our AAA program is designed to provide free resources to address common printing issues while also offering recommendations to increase press speed, ultimately helping our customers make more money.’
Apex recently rebranded to streamline its global presence, dropping ‘Group of Companies’ from its name as part of a strategic move to, ‘ensure that our supplier partners, our competition and, most especially, our customers recognize our brand as being global in scale,’ according to Ken Ralton, Apex International president.
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