Techkon showcases latest in-line spectrophotometer technology
The company showcase its latest in-line spectrophotometer technology.

Techkon showcases its color management technology, including its latest product–the SpectroVision in-line spectrophotometer for any web press type and width.
As per the company, SpectroVision uses the latest advances in sensor and materials technology for total color quality control on press.
Apart from SpectroVision, the company demonstrates:
1. True Spectrophotometer
• ISO-compliant, full 31- point sensor
• 3,000 measurements per second
• M0, M1, and M2
2. ChromaQA software with SmartInk color correction
• Analyzes color, density, gray balance, G7, TVI and more
• Exact ink and machine-level actions for optimal color
• Easy reporting and predictive analytics
3. Web viewer
• Live web viewing
• Traverse arm for complete mobility measure op and gear side and anywhere in between
4. Barcode grader
• ISO/ANSI style bar code grading
Confirming his presence at the event, George Adam, president of Techkon USA, said: ‘With the recent advancements in technology, materials and cost, inline spectrophotometers are now an affordable comprehensive color quality solution for any web press, giving converters and brands total quality control over mission-critical colors.’
A live demonstration of the systems is displayed at the Techkon booth 5800 in Hall F.
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