X-Rite launches trade-in program to promote its latest technologies

Color specialist X-Rite has launched a trade-in program to promote the use of its eXact spectrophotometers in the print and packaging industries through a rebate.
Customers can receive a rebate ranging from €550 to €800 that can be used for the purchase of a standard, advanced or densitometer version of eXact for each qualifying instrument they send in that appears on a specified list of more than 38 X-Rite, GretagMacbeth (Gretag) or competitor's handheld instruments.
Among the instruments qualifying for the trade-in program are the X-Rite models 400 series, 504, 508, 518, 520, 528, 530, 918, 939, 938, 948, 968, X-Rite (or GretagMacbeth) SpectroEye and SpectroEye LT, GretagMacbeth (or Gretag) D19C / D196, X-Rite (or GretagMacbeth) DensiEye 100, 700, 750 and selected other models from competitors.
The eXact family of instruments use touch-and-swipe technology and intuitive software to make precise measurement of colors. X-Rite said eXact spectrophotometers make color measurements quick and easy for brand managers, pre-media, ink suppliers, printers and converters, while solving the widespread problem of measuring and matching colors on various substrates and surfaces.
The trade-in program expires June 30. Instruments that are traded in will be disposed of in an environmentally responsible fashion.
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