Ethiopian market insights presented at Flexofit seminar
Flexofit has hosted its first seminar in Ethiopia as it seeks to present the country’s booming packaging industry with information, knowledge and experience of the flexo printing process.

Flexofit is a company of experts with more than 30 years of experience in the flexographic printing industry, with the aim to share information, knowledge and experience of the flexo printing process with partners around the globe. It connects companies from the flexo industry with each other and organizes seminars, audits and training about the flexo printing process with a focus on Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
With the largest economy in East and Central Africa and the fastest-growing economy in Africa, with an annual growth rate averaging 9.7 percent over the last three years, the Ethiopian industry is mainly focused on agriculture and agro-processing, enjoying large exports to China and India, with huge demand for packaging these goods professionally. Most packaging is currently imported as there's a shortage of materials and technology, and a lack of experienced machine operators in Ethiopia.
For these reasons, members of the local packaging industry were delighted to meet with experts from global companies such as Esko, DuPont, Chespa, Renzmann and Windmöller & Hölscher at the Flexofit Ethiopia seminar. Presentations covered innovations in pre-press, flexo presses, flexo plates, inks, cleaning and recovery systems. The audience was eager to learn about new strategies and concepts in pre-press and flexo printing processes and greatly appreciated the networking opportunities.
Through the Flexofit series of seminars in Africa this year, under the theme 'The Future of Packaging in Africa', founders, Karla Grey and Hans-Peter Hormann, are connecting European producers of print technology with local industry and transferring valuable knowledge in flexographic printing and packaging. Forthcoming Flexofit seminars in Africa will take place in Tanzania, Kenya, Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast Mauritius, South Africa and Namibia. Visit for more information, and see the L&L Events diary.
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