Juarez to run Leadership Lab at TLMI’s meeting

Attendees of the TLMI’s Converter Meeting, held on March 20-22 in New Mexico, will have the unique opportunity to participate in an interactive strategic leadership session run by Laura Juarez.

Attendees of the TLMI’s Converter Meeting, held on March 20-22 in New Mexico, will have the unique opportunity to participate in an interactive strategic leadership session run by Laura Juarez

The session’s presenter, Laura Juarez, partner and head of consulting at Asheville, NC-based 10X Leadership Lab, facilitated the TLMI Strategic Planning Retreat with the board last year. She spent 20 years leading a B2B manufacturing company as CEO, president, and board chair. Throughout her career, she has owned and led organizations across multiple sectors.

During the Converter Meeting Leadership Lab, Juarez will guide participants to explore what’s next for them as leaders in a rapidly evolving world where what may have worked five years ago no longer does. 

Through evidence-based education and experiential activities, the group will learn not to think about new skills but to start developing them. During their time with Juarez in a learn-by-doing session, attendees will see and feel firsthand how shifting some of the ways they engage with their teams could result in a more inspired culture with better business results.   

‘During our time, we’ll investigate where we are personally as leaders and what we might try as our next step of growth,’ commented Juarez. ‘Conscious leadership asks us to examine the questions - how can I use my leadership role as a platform to live into my own potential and support others in doing the same; in what ways am I holding the system back, and what might I do about it; what matters most to me and how might I animate that in my daily work? Being adept at this type of inquiry is critical for today’s leaders. To today’s employees, doing meaningful work that matters with people who care about them matters more than perks, promotions, and in many situations, more compensation. This is how we create lasting change and cultivate thriving ecosystems rooted in impact and results.’

Linnea Keen, president of TLMI, added: ‘I’m excited to have Laura joining us at the Converter Meeting in New Mexico. The board of directors was extremely impressed with the professionalism and acumen she brought to her work facilitating last year’s board meeting, and I know we will all learn much from her during our time together in New Mexico. Laura will give us a set of actionable takeaways that we will be able to bring back with us to our own organizations. The next chapter for the industry is about integration, how we can evolve the way we do business to ensure our leadership style is more aligned with the needs of our people. Our time with Laura will help show us the way there.’