Mark Andy hosts successful webinar for students

Mark Andy recently organized two online meetings devoted to international students from printing-oriented technical universities.

Mark Andy hosts successful webinar for students

The April 23rd event was focused on students from Poland, while the April 26th event was open to students internationally. Both events were conducted by Mark Andy’s specialists, with representatives of Watershed Group (incl. the Polish-based Etiko printer). The webinars included live presentations of Mark Andy presses installed in its demo centers in Poland and the US as well as Q&A sessions. Tadeusz Kozinski, director of Etiko printing house from Szczecin (Poland), was a guest of the Polish session. Kirwan Waters, director of Watershed Group (consisting of five European printing houses, including Etiko), presented his views during the international session.

The participants of both webinars were welcomed by Lena Chmielewska-Bontron, European marketing manager Mark Andy. The events were moderated by Lukasz Chruslinski, sales manager Mark Andy Poland (the Polish session) and Phil Baldwin, European sales manager Mark Andy UK (the English webinar). During the Polish session they were supported by Lukasz Kaczynski, Warsaw demo room manager, and Grzegorz Rostkowski and Michal Mokrzycki – print specialists. During the international session James Mayenschein and Kevin Glatz, representatives of St. Louis the showroom, were also involved.

The students of both webinars were shown demonstrations of presses installed at two Mark Andys’s showrooms – in Poland and the US. The Polish session was focused on Digital Series HD – a flagship model among hybrid/digital part of the company’s portfolio. It was used for printing jobs containing variable data with high flexibility, speed and quality guaranteed by four CMYK inkjet modules and additional flexo and finishing stations. The first job was a shampoo label, including different versions, followed by an orange juice label with a gold embellishment. The participants witnessed a quick job changeover (it took only several minutes), which is significant in terms of shorter runs, different label versions etc.The Warsaw-based demo center is also equipped with Digital Pro 3 and Evolution Series E3 presses.

‘We’re sure that these kind of meetings give students a great opportunity for getting knowledge about printing technologies and their usage in different types of production and final assortment. Moreover, they learn about a current market situation and the trends. Hopefully all of this will inspire them in choosing printing industry when considering future occupation,’ said Lena Chmielewska-Bontron.

‘For many years Mark Andy has been committed to sharing our experiences and knowledge with the youngest generation of future printers. On the other hand, we wish to encourage other manufacturers and printing companies to build closer relations with students and teachers. Together we can upgrade skills of the future employees of our companies; what we have to do is to show the right way and enable access to specific tools. We wish to thank all the webinars’ guests and participants and we are extremely happy about their interest in Mark Andy’s online events’ concluded Chmielewska-Bontron.