Esko sponsors Labelexpo Mexico pre-show webinar

Free Spanish-language webinar will also preview Labelexpo Mexico 2025

Mexico Webinar

Free Spanish-language webinar will be hosted on March 25

Labels & Labeling will present a webinar, sponsored by Esko, ahead of Labelexpo Mexico 2025.  

Labels & Labeling’s Latin American correspondent James Quirk will host the webinar, which will also include panelists Cristian Reyes, director general of Mayapack; and Martin Maldonado, president of FTA Mexico; and Francisco Jimenez, Latin America applications manager at Esko.

The webinar on March 25 is free to attend and will be presented in Spanish. 

To register, click here

The webinar panel discussion will focus on key trends impacting the Mexican label and packaging market, including topics such as: 

  • A shift to a digitized workflow and automation adoption 
  • Opportunities and challenges in flexible packaging expansion 
  • RFID and the need for greater supply chain visibility 
  • Nearshoring and how Mexico is benefiting from near shoring trends due to the availability of skilled labor, competitive costs and proximity to the North American market. 

Further, the webinar will provide and exclusive look at the technology on display at Labelexpo Mexico 2025.  

The webinar is scheduled for March 25 at 10 am CST/ 9 am in Mexico (please note that the US observes Day Light Savings Time, so Mexico will be one hour behind Central Standard Time when the webinar airs). The webinar will be recorded and available at for those who miss the live broadcast.  

Labelexpo Mexico 2025 will be hosted at Expo Guadalajara from April 1-3. For more information and to register, visit