Benson launches Butterkist design competition

UK carton converter Benson Group has launched a competition for students to design a new, constructively striking carton for Butterkist’s microwave popcorn range.
The competition requires students to create a carton that increases shelf presence for the product and improve customer engagement, while still being instantly recognisable as part of the Butterkist family of products and follow its brand guidelines.
The container will need to hold between three and six sachets of popcorn, incorporating a selection of the three available flavours. Gourmet popcorn was tipped as one of the top 10 food trends for 2013 so students should bear this in mind, Benson Group said in outlining the competition, as well as giving consideration to the “home cinema” feel popcorn brings to watching a film with family and friends.
Competition entrants must be part- or full-time students at a college, college of art or university in the UK or overseas, and must register online at no later than November 1.
Along with a £250 cash prize, the overall winner will be offered a week of work experience in the design studio at Benson Group’s Bardon, Leicestershire headquarters and production facility, and a visit to Butterkist’s head office in Pontefract. Runners-up will each receive a selection of Butterkist products.
Nikki Clark, marketing manager at Benson Group, said: ‘This represents a tremendous opportunity for students to showcase their abilities and talents to a huge audience, enhance their CV and kick-start a career in packaging design.
‘With cartonboard as the predominant material, designers can incorporate plastic window film if desired, and their new and exciting design could offer consumers a way to transform the carton into a sharing pack. Of course, size constraints, with a maximum footprint of 160 x 160mm and height of 200mm, must be taken into consideration as well.
‘We are looking to today’s design students to bring something different to the world of popcorn. I am looking forward to seeing what new and innovative packaging concepts our young designers can create.’
Read more about packaging design here
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