Danish licorice brand chooses Mitsubishi barrier paper
The barrier paper packaging for Konfektfabrikken was printed on HP Indigo by converter Print2Pack

Denmark-based licorice brand Konfektfabrikken has opted for Mitsubishi HiTec Paper barricote Bag WG 87 barrier paper to package its licorice sticks Ærøstang in the flavors licorice, chocolate, raspberry and pineapple-coconut.
Claus Hattesen, the owner of Konfektfabrikken in Denmark, started his traditional confectionery brand on the island of Ærø. The clou: natural flavors, ingredients of the highest quality, less sugar - and more taste. The brand was looking for environmentally friendly packaging.
Today, the licorice sticks Ærøstang in the flavors licorice, chocolate, raspberry and pineapple-coconut are packed in barrier paper from Mitsubishi HiTec Paper barricote Bag WG 87. It not only offers barriers against water vapor and grease (KIT Level 12), which is essential for a good shelf life of the licorice, but is also heat-sealable and sustainable.
‘For our new licorice sticks, it was particularly important to me to use paper packaging that meets our high requirements for product protection, processability and printability. I wanted to move away from plastic to a more sustainable packaging for our honest licorice,’ Hattesen said. ‘In close cooperation with our printer Print2Pack and Mitsubishi, and after changing the forming shoulder of our packaging machine, we were able to successfully realize this challenging project.
Michael Kater, sales manager barrier papers at Mitsubishi HiTec Paper, added: ‘The sustainability of our barricote Bag WG, which can be recycled in the waste paper cycle, with its water-based barriers was just as important as the good printability with HP Indigo. Because Claus Hattesen pays close attention to the colors and print quality of the packaging.’
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