Konica Minolta Mechatronics achieves renewable electricity goal
The production site has achieved its goal of procuring 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources.

Konica Minolta Mechatronics, Konica Minolta's production site for digital printing systems in Japan, has achieved its goal of procuring 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. Consequently, all of Konica Minolta Group’s global production sites that manufacture MFPs and digital printing systems (excluding those of toner) have achieved the goal of procuring 100 percent of their electricity from renewable sources.
Konica Minolta Mechatronics manufactures digital printing systems, Konica Minolta's main products. It continues to realize 'production DX,' which combines on-site capabilities — based on production technologies and skills refined in the production and assembly of imaging, optics and precision parts — with digital technology, including automation of production lines.
Konica Minolta Mechatronics installed a solar power generation system at its head office in 2021, which provides about 13 percent of the electricity required by the head office plant. The company attained the goal of procuring 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by purchasing and applying non-fossil certificates with tracking at its four sites in total, including the head office plant, in FY2024.
Konica Minolta has been working to reduce CO2 emissions and has steadily produced results. In 2009, Konica Minolta formulated 'Eco Vision 2050,' a long-term environmental vision. In May 2023, it launched a new vision to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions from the product life cycle by 2050, increasing its goal from an 80 percent reduction.
Konica Minolta is also a member of RE100, a global leadership initiative that brings together businesses committed to sourcing 100 percent renewable energy for their operations. Konica Minolta’s net-zero targets were validated by the SBT initiative, an organization that works to achieve the Paris Agreement, in July 2024.
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