BGM makes investment in apprentices

Bar Graphic Machinery (BGM) apprentice Tom Padgett has completed and been awarded his higher national certificate (HNC) qualification in mechanical engineering, as a further two apprentices prepare to join the company’s engineering departments.

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Padgett has studied a technical engineering apprenticeship on a college day-release basis, as well as attending evening classes for the past four years.

He is now a fully qualified technical engineer with BGM.

Bill Rhodes, BGM’s chairman and chief development design engineer, said: ‘We are delighted that Tom has achieved his HNC in mechanical engineering.

‘Tom’s enthusiasm and commitment have enabled him to be a much valued member of staff, our further growth and expansion plans require additional investment in apprentice mechanical and electrical engineers.

‘We proudly announce the investment in an additional two more apprentices, who start within BGM’s engineering and electrical engineering departments over the forthcoming weeks.’