PPC Flex installs Chevron machine with header pouch feature
This installation expands PPC Flex's manufacturing capabilities for the medical, pharmaceutical and dental industries.

PPC Flex, a packaging company, has expanded its manufacturing capabilities by installing the platen-based Chevron machine. This addition is the first Chevron system in the US to feature a Chevron header pouch, advancing PPC Flex’s production capabilities for the health care sector.
The newly installed Chevron machine is housed within PPC Flex’s ISO Class 4 and 7 cleanroom facility in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. The facility now produces high-output Tyvek Chevron Peel pouches, Chevron and pouches on a roll, enhancing PPC FLEX’s ability to meet requirements of the medical, pharmaceutical and dental industries. This investment strengthens PPC FLEX’s ability to offer cleanroom-grade pouches that ensure sterility and barrier protection for critical environment applications globally.
George Rose, executive vice president and general manager of PPC Flex, said: 'PPC Flex continues to invest in expanding its Buffalo Grove, Illinois, cleanroom manufacturing capabilities to meet the growing demand of our medical customer base. We are pleased to add the new Chevron machine with header pouch feature to lower packaging costs while maintaining high MVTR, breathability and sterility.'
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