Goss carries out Sunday Vpak flexible packaging demos

- Goss customized demonstrations, printing on a variety of film substrates ranging from nine-micron PET to 28-micron BOPP at web widths in excess of one meter
- Followed a similar program in late 2012 to demonstrate the capabilities of Sunday Vpak presses for folding carton applications
Packaging producers from Europe and North America saw a Goss Sunday Vpak press system print with high-quality at high speeds on wide webs during a series of demonstrations at the company's headquarters in the US from February 25 to March 1.
Goss International customized demonstrations on the Sunday Vpak press throughout the week, printing on a variety of film substrates ranging from nine-micron PET to 28-micron BOPP at web widths in excess of one meter.
The demonstration week, which focused on flexible packaging applications, followed a similar program held at the Goss International facility in New Hampshire in late 2012 to demonstrate the capabilities of Sunday Vpak presses for folding carton and pre-printed liner applications.
Goss Sunday Vpak 500 and Vpak 3000 web offset press models for folding carton, flexible packaging, pre-print and label applications are available in web widths ranging from 520-1,905mm (20.5-75in), and print at speeds of up to 457m/min (1,500ft/min).
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