L&L launches monthly branding & design newsletter
Labels & Labeling launches monthly brand newsletter with global brands editor Akanksha Meena

Labels & Labeling, the leading publication for the global label and package printing industry, has launched its monthly branding and design-focused newsletter.
The newsletter, which is set to reach Label News subscribers’ inboxes each month, will cover branding and design content from all over the world and the latest developments in label and flexible packaging technology. L&L has also partnered with the global packaging design community, The Dieline, for specially curated content for L&L readers.
The launch of the brand newsletter is part of L&L’s ongoing commitment to providing its readers with the latest industry developments and insights. Akanksha Meena, previously India editor for L&L, has been appointed as the global brands editor for Labels & Labeling and will be responsible for curating and creating content for the newsletter.
The newsletter will aim to provide L&L readers with fresh and informative content on branding and design trends from across the globe. The newsletter will include in-depth features on branding and design, interviews with industry experts, and news on the latest label and flexible packaging technology developments. It will also include updates on upcoming industry events and conferences.
Readers can sign up to receive the L&L’s monthly brand newsletter by visiting the Labels & Labeling website here. Send any news tips to Meena at ameena@labelsandlabeling.com
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