INX validates deinkable process inks
INX International Ink Co. INXCure LW-ECO EU OSF process inks have displayed deinkable properties demonstrated with high scores during the INGEDE Method 11 deinking test, which is widely used by the paper industry and brand owners looking for increasing their sustainability and recycling efforts.

Available through its subsidiary, INX Europe, INXCure LW-ECO EU OSF process inks are formulated for high-end sheetfed applications and contain biotechnology materials.
Developed by INX R&D and Sakata INX R&D, the four process inks - black, cyan, magenta, and yellow - can be printed on a wide variety of coated and uncoated paper stocks, in addition to coated board stocks, foil stocks and metalized paper. The 100 percent reactive inks cure for printing at maximum press speeds by using multiple UV lamp technologies, including LED bulbs and new ozone-free additive lamps, for use on presses from leading manufacturers Heidelberg, KBA, Komori and Manroland.
‘For quite some time, INX has produced printing ink solutions with a focus on responsibly sourced, renewable raw materials that don’t hinder the recycling process,’ said Peter Lockley, president of INX Europe. ‘As part of our Coloring a Safe and Sustainable Future (CSSF) model, we support a circular economy in regards to products and process design for the environment and social responsibility. Considering the recent developments that have impacted paper recycling, it is absolutely essential to have a new inkset like this in the marketplace.’
Timing of the INXCure LW-ECO EU OSF process inks rollout coincides with the International Association of the Deinking Industry (INGEDE) Symposium held in Munich on March 9, where discussions centered on the importance of having paper available for recycling purposes.
The INGEDE Method 11 tests that the INXCure LW-ECO EU OSF process inks successfully passed were performed using both coated and uncoated paper. Yuji Matsuzawa, INX Europe R&D manager for energy curable systems, said the final test on uncoated paper was performed last December. It scored 99 on a 100-point scale as outlined in the European Paper Recycling Council guidelines.
Additional testing revealed the INXCure LW-ECO EU OSF process inks exhibit good rub and abrasion resistance, responsive density control with a wide water window, and a quick return to color after press shutdowns.
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