Emsur installs Enprom Dual doctoring machine
Spanish flexible packaging converter Emsur, a specialist in the dairy market for lids, banderole and sleeves, has installed at its plant in Madrid the first Enprom Dual doctoring machine.
The eRR30 Dual allows both the validation of sleeve material, as well as the inspection of the reels for the flexible packaging sector.
The double function of the eRR30 Dual diversifies the investment of the equipment in the two aforementioned sectors, allowing two different processes:
• Sleeve: Verification of the correct sealing of sleeve tube, using the balloon air validation system with electronic detection.
• Flexible packaging: Inspection, control and ‘doctor’ the reels up to 400mm width, repair the reels that may be defective from the printers/cutters or splices at register.
Thanks to the bidirectionality of the eRR 30 Dual and its double pneumatic nip pressure roller in unwinding/rewinding, it can perform the functions in both directions, avoiding stops.
The machine can be complemented with different optionssuch as longitudinal cutting, display screen, stroboscope camera, 100 percent printing inspection system, and control software including Industry 4.0 technologies.
A 600mm version of the Dual system is also available.
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