Pin Mark Block installs Esko Automation Engine
Ahmedabad-based flexographic trade shop, Pin Mark Block, completed installation of Esko Automation Engine in June 2020.

The new Automation Engine reportedly improved the company’s productivity and efficiency. The workflow server at the company’s facility has standardized and automated all its prepress tasks.
Rutul Zaveri, a partner in the company, said having developed a relationship with Esko for more than fifteen years, the decision to continue its digital transformation journey with Automation Engine had been a simple one. ‘We wanted our workflow smooth and error-free. Esko Automation Engine helps us achieve this, and by reducing the involvement of operators in routine jobs it enabled us to enjoy efficiency gains by optimizing the time of our skilled workforce,’ he said.
According to the company statement, not only does the software automate production tasks, but also integrates with other business systems to speed up the prepress process. Importantly for Pin Mark Block, Automation Engine reduces the error rate and need for operator intervention across the entire process.
Zaveri said: ‘It accepts a wide range of desktop publishing formats and the preflight task automatically detects most content errors in whatever files we receive from the customer. Standardizing processes and offloading tasks to the software helps us to increase our throughput and therefore our productivity.’
As Automation Engine is fully customizable, Zaveri said his team use it for specific jobs to help ensure the business continues delivering the best level of service while also maximizing resources.
‘Our customers – both brand owners and designers - often supply designs as PDF files, which presents many challenges for packaging converters and print service providers in cost effectively delivering high quality, precise reproduction. For a trade shop like us, time lost in corrections, errors or oversights potentially leads to massive expense in hours and added costs.
‘Pre-flighting, adjustments, and making corrections for printability and optimizing quality are necessary before files are ready for output. But with Automation Engine at the center, the standardized workflow performs many of the prepress tasks automatically, saving huge amounts of time for our team.
‘Since the installation, there has been a significant improvement in the way we receive, handle and convert jobs and send them to customers,’ said Zaveri.
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