Mark Andy hosts 60 printers for plant tour

Mark Andy hosts 60 printers for plant tour

The headquarters and manufacturing operation of Mark Andy was the final destination of the 2012 Printing Industries of America Continuous Improvement Conference held earlier this month in St Louis, Missouri.

A plant tour of Mark Andy concluded the three-day event, providing printing managers and executives a first-hand look at how Lean initiatives and continuous improvement have successfully impacted the company. 

‘Over the past 18 months, Mark Andy has implemented a focused Lean program,’ said the company in a statement. ‘Plant tour visitors were exposed to workflow organization tactics, key visual management tools and work cell procedure approaches. Another important part of the discussion included learning curves and other aspects of the culture change needed to accomplish a successful Lean transformation.’  

Pictured: Mark Andy Lean team members JC Owens and Scott Hofstetter speak to visitors

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