CGS, X-Rite provide direct access to Pantone colors
To improve working with spot color, CGS has integrated PantoneLive spot color libraries with two Oris applications.
In Oris Color Tuner // Web and in Oris Flex Pack // Web, it is now possible to import any Pantone library from PantoneLive, therefore integrating Pantone Matching System (PMS) spot colors easily into the workflow.
The access to the cloud-based PantoneLive platform is particularly of interest for brand owners using Pantone-based corporate colors and their partner, who are involved in the production process, because the exact spectral data and color specifications can be communicated safely and reliably. No matter where in the world the involved parties are located – all data is always available at one central location. ‘We're glad to provide even greater flexibility to our customers through direct access to PantoneLive in order to optimize their workflow,’ comments Bernd Rückert, product marketing manager of CGS.
In May 2018, X-Rite and Pantone introduced six new PantoneLive libraries, which ensure more precise and consistent communication of Pantone Colors, particularly in the packaging and label applications area. In total, there are now more than 70,000 different PantoneLive references in 34 unique libraries for printing and packaging applications.
‘Pantone and X-Rite are delighted to have a new partner in CGS, expanding the PantoneLive ecosystem further so that more brands, pre-media houses, ink suppliers and printers can benefit from access to the definitive and centralized data within the PantoneLive cloud,’ said Adrián Fernández, VP and general manager of Pantone. ‘This integration serves as another opportunity to support our end-users and continue to enable efficient workflows from design through production.’
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