Maxcess International launches automatic slitter

Maxcess International has launched a new fully automatic slitter, the Tidland Slitter SP 500.

Tidland Slitter SP 500 is equipped with an electronic knifeholder that delivers high-quality roll slit

The equipment has three models – Class I, Class II and Class III standard. The difference between these is mainly minimum slit width, blade diameter and maximum designated speed.

It is equipped with an electronic knifeholder that delivers high-quality roll slit. The e-knifeholder arrives with factory-set blade geometry based upon the client’s application. The settings can be adjusted on-site via an intuitive user interface.

The SP-500 has increased the speed and accuracy of knife positioning, minimized the frequency and complexity of maintenance and reduced the risk of operator error, along with customizable options like lower knives, slitter shafts and drive mechanisms. Some other features include minimal blade contact, which results in decreased setup time and increased operator safety, high blade life, noticeable dust reduction, easy-to-use interface via a PC or existing HMI and fewer moving parts, which reduces the frequency and complexity of maintenance.