Wikoff introduces digital primers
Wikoff Digital has introduced a set of six inkjet primers.

These include three UV primers appropriate for UV inkjet applications—standard adhesion and high adhesion for non-absorbent substrates, plus a paper specific primer; two aqueous primers formulated for use with UV inkjet applications on both paper and film respectively; and one aqueous primer appropriate for water-based inkjet.
Primers are designed for better image quality, while increasing inkjet receptiveness. Wikoff Digital primers can seal absorbent substrates and smooth rough or uneven substrates.
Dale Rawhoof, product manager of digital printing North America for Domino said: ‘Wikoff Digital primers are a great solution when looking to optimize print quality and improve ink adhesion on media that are not on the ‘Domino Approved Media List.’ The ink flow and adhesion of the Domino ink improve exponentially with the application of the Wikoff Digital primer. Overall we have been very impressed with the performance of the Wikoff Digital primers.’
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