Apex announces management changes

Apex announces management changes

Following the introduction of GTT in the US, the Apex group of companies has announced management changes in the organization of its two fastest-growing companies.

Dênis Niubó has been appointed sales director for Latin America. He previously worked for an end user in flexo printing, mainly in narrow web and flexible packaging. Since then he served as technical support in the customer service department for an anilox roll manufacturer and quickly moved to an external sales role.

He was recently chosen to become member of the Technical Committee of AB Flexo (Brazil’s Flexo Association) for 2012-2013.

Of his role so far, Niubó commented: ‘We all know what we are doing, the team is very enthusiastic and there is a lot of printing knowledge available within the company. The plant in Brazil and the plant in Holland look impressive.’

Dercilio Oliveira has been named chief printing process officer, Apex North America. He joined Apex in 2008 and is said to have established the name in Latin America and opened doors for GTT in this market.

After four years in sales, he will now co-ordinate and lead printing projects, together with end users and co-suppliers where GTT is involved. His main goal is to achieve standardization for the end user.

Oliveira will also be account manager for ten integrated US corporate groups and remain responsible for sales in Mexico, Caribbean, Middle America and a couple of US states.

Pictured: (L-R) Dênis Niubó, sales director Latin America and Dercilio Oliveira, chief printing process officer

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