Omni Systems appoints president and COO
OMNI Systems, based in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, has announced that Mike Murton will take over the role of president and chief operating officer upon the June 30 retirement of current President and COO Andy Macek. Omni Systems is the largest privately-owned label converter in the United States.

Murton joined Omni Systems in 2019 as general manager and took on an expanded role of director of sales and operations in early 2022. Prior to that, he served in a variety of leadership roles across different functional areas including operations, supply chain and procurement at Swagelok, a Cleveland-based manufacturer of industrial valves and fittings.
Murton said preparations for this transition have been underway since he joined the company, and he expects it to be seamless for customers and suppliers.
'As president, Andy implemented the operation system we use today. It has helped us grow and has allowed our expansion into prime labels,' Murton said. 'Organizationally, you aren’t going to see a lot of changes that we haven’t already been working on. We’re launching the prime label product our customers have been asking for, and we’re wrapping up the project to bring all of our production into a single, state-of-the-art facility. We talk a lot at OMNI about aggressive execution, and that’s not going to change. Our focus is always on the quality, capabilities, service and value that we offer to our customers.'
Murton was born and raised in the Cleveland area and currently lives in Willoughby, Ohio, with his wife and two children.
Macek said he has been honored to work with Omni Systems’ employees, customers and supply partners over the past 11 years, and he’s confident the company is well-positioned for the future.
'We’ve always had a philosophy here of removing obstacles and facing challenges head-on, 'Macek said. 'I think we maneuvered pretty well through the pandemic, and I’m proud of the accomplishments we’ve made over the past 10 years. People saw the passion I have for the business, and I’ve tried to spread that across the entire team. As a result, we’ve seen some fantastic growth and it has been very rewarding.'
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