Kodak launches certification for Flexcel NX

Kodak has launched a new global certification program for Flexcel NX system users.

Kodal Flexcel NX

The certification program is designed to take the success of Flecel NX to the next level by assuring printers and brand owners that plates produced using the system by certified providers are made to a global standard.

To achieve the certification and earn the right to use the certification mark, companies must demonstrate that the plates they produce, or print with, are consistently made to a standard Kodak global specification.

The certification process is supported by comprehensive data measurement and recommendations from satisfied clients.

‘The market has come to know and appreciate the capabilities of the Flexcel NX system, and the new program will make it even easier for packaging professionals to know they can expect the best for their next project,’ said Kuty Paperny, Kodak’s marketing director for flexo packaging solutions.

‘A number of customers around the world are already in the process of getting certified. Our users are proud and excited to have this program as a visible way to promote their use of Flexcel NX plate technology.’

Read more about Kodak on labelsandlabeling.com