Screen withdraws from drupa

Screen GA has made a decision not to take part in drupa 2021 after considering the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing opportunities for virtual experiences.

Screen GA has made a decision not to take part in drupa 2021 after considering the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing opportunities for virtual experiences

‘With both market and social conditions undergoing such drastic changes, Screen GA believes it is essential to accelerate timely communication with our customers and partners,’ said the company in a statement. ‘We are continually creating both virtual and physical communication opportunities designed to ensure the best possible experience.’

‘We will miss the innovation and excitement that are typically at the forefront of drupa,’ said Ken Ingram, president of Screen Americas. ‘Given the current state of affairs, however, this choice is certainly understandable, as we fully endorse the safety of our employees and customers. This only reinforces to us that we’ve made smart decisions in the Americas to build out and improve the way we connect with customers and prospects in every way.’

Screen Americas is planning to move to new headquarters in Elk Grove Village Illinois. The new, 43,000 sqft facility, just five miles from its existing Rolling Meadows operations, will offer a comprehensive demonstration and training complex capable of handling future growth from the planned launch of additional new Print on Demand (POD) technology.

‘This expansion will allow Screen’s technology to stand out even further,’ added Ingram. ‘We see our existing customers continuing to grow and we know that in many ways, physical print is more important now than ever to break through the everyday clutter we all see in email, social media, and the like.’

Mark Schlimme, Screen Americas vice president of marketing commented, ‘With the virtual demo experience, we’re launching and as the new Customer Experience Center takes shape, we’re more committed than ever to making it easy for our customers and prospects to get their eyes and hands on our solutions – even if that looks different going forward.’