Sappi Europe joins Intergraf

The company joins as an associate member strengthening industry collaboration and innovation.

Sappi Europe has joined Intergraf’s group of 22 national member associations and 15 associate members across 25 countries, which will further its role in promoting the European print industry.

Sappi believes in the role of print for the next generation of readers and for brands. It points that people are hardwired to hold print—claiming that 72 percent of people prefer printed material versus a digital version. It is viewed as 200 percent more intimate—people feel more valued when receiving printed mail over e-mail and twice as likely to feel positive toward the sender. The return on investment speaks volumes—60 percent of people look up a brand online after receiving printed materials.

With declining print volumes, Sappi acknowledges that the paper industry must provide value beyond the product by aligning with projects and organizations that further the unique strengths of the European printing industry.

By joining Intergraf as an associate member, Sappi will support the association’s projects, including Print Your Future EU—which attracts a skilled workforce for quality jobs in the European graphic industry, Keep Me Posted EU—which advocates for citizens’ right to choose how they receive important information like tax forms, election documents and bills, as well as larger advocacy projects that promote the future of reading and print.

Sappi prides itself on its work on removing fossil-derived emissions from the printing sector’s energy-intensive processes. It commits to reduce its Scope 1, direct emissions from Sappi’s operations and Scope 2, indirect emissions, by 41.5 percent per saleable production ton by 2030.

As an associate member of Intergraf, Sappi can involve itself in the exchange of information and best practices between European country members, maintain a voice among EU associations representing the industry and support projects and studies that benefit the industry. From a sustainability standpoint, Intergraf works on industry standards across industrial emissions, packaging and waste, food contact materials and eco-labels, making Sappi’s membership essential.

'Intergraf represents the European printing industry, from the smallest to the largest players, through the work of the country organizations and federations,' said Conor Evers, Sappi’s head of marketing operations. 'It makes sense to be at the table to support this valuable work and share our voice on matters that are a core part of Sappi’s DNA including the future of print as well as sustainability practices.'