UPM Raflatac Scarborough donates money to local food bank

During the coronavirus outbreak, UPM Raflatac Scarborough site has been working together to implement some positivity at this uncertain time and made donations to the WestWay Open Arms Food Bank.

UPM Raflatac Scarborough donates money to local food bank

The on-site management team at UPM Raflatac Scarborough opted to support employees by establishing a free, prepared food service and alongside this, a pay it forward scheme was introduced. It was decided that assistance would be provided to a local charity, WestWay Open Arms Food Bank and a collection box was put in place for those who wanted to donate funds in lieu of receiving a free meal.

Donations began to come in as employees championed the initiative and it was proposed by a team member to raise a target of GBP 1,000 (USD 1,250). This seemed like a tall order, however the site took the challenge on board with great enthusiasm and the current amount has now surpassed the original goal. It didn't stop there as the Scarborough site has decided to continue fundraising with a new mission of reaching a staggering GBP 2,000 (USD 2,500).

This funding greatly assists the local food bank, enabling it to purchase provisions to aid those that are in need.