Kocher + Beck plans sustainable stand for Labelexpo Europe 2023
Reusable and scalable stand created by Inspired Print Solutions

Kocher + Beck plans sustainable stand for Labelexpo Europe 2023
Kocher+Beck has partnered with Inspired Print Solutions to create its stand for Labelexpo 2023 using sustainable materials. The stand will be reused over several shows in a bid to reduce the carbon footprint of the company.
Traditionally, companies would either rent a stand or build a bespoke stand for each event, which is not only cost-prohibitive and time-consuming but unsustainable. A study conducted by Ecobooth found that 100,000 tonnes of waste were burnt or sent to landfills from the UK events industry in one year alone. Isla’s temperature check 2022-2023 estimated that £2M (USD 2.5M) worth of timber alone was used once and thrown away in 127 events.
All materials on the Kocher+Beck stand are either FSC forestry accredited, recyclable, or manufactured from recyclable content. Fixtures that are not manufactured from sustainable materials will be repurposed for 2025 and 2027.
Kocher+Beck will use the stand at Labelexpo 2023 and reuse it in 2025 and 2027. The stand is easily scalable for smaller exhibition spaces, allowing for even more flexibility.
Tracey McCarthy, group marketing manager said ‘The entire K+B family is taking seriously the issue of sustainability. We have all seen the reports on the news and must all play our part to reduce our impact on our planet. Combined with our dedicated group Project 1.5 team we have approached the build, design, and reuse of our Labelexpo stand in the most sustainable way possible and with the support of IPS we plan to improve on this each future shows.’
Everything on the stand will be reused excluding the carpet and floor vinyl and the Soyang fabric wall which is both recycled and fully recyclable. IPS is looking for sustainable floor coverings and pledges to have these in place for the 2025 show.
Palboard, which is made from partially recycled content and is 100 percent recyclable, is being used to line the walls of the stand. The innovative design allows for locking edges without the use of adhesive, which means the board is more easily reused.
‘We have noticed our clients increasingly requesting sustainable solutions in this era of corporate social responsibility,’ said Paul Romney, director of Inspired Print Solutions. ‘We strive to go above and beyond the brief and were delighted we could deliver this stand which is not only environmentally conscious but also cost-effective.’
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