Yash Multi Printpack invests in Renuka Softtec ERP
Indian converter has boosted its overall operations with Smart ERP and Smart Planner.

Mumbai-based Yash Multi Printpack has boosted its overall operations by adopting Renuka Softtec’s AI-enabled customized ERP system, which was developed to improve the entire printing and post-printing operations for printers and packaging converters.
Yash Multi Printpack has been in the industry for more than twenty years and manufactures a wide range of products, including folding cartons and boxes for well-known pharmaceutical brands.
‘To maintain quality in printing and production of our end products at our 70,000 sqft facility, we constantly upgrade our equipment by adding ultramodern machines and advanced software solutions like the newly adopted Smart Planner for print estimation and Smart ERP for entire press automation from Renuka Softtec,’ commented Yash Sayani, managing partner at Yash Multi Printpack,
According to Sayani, before the adoption of Renuka Softtec’s ERP, the company used to run different software that failed to meet its expectations and requirements in terms of speed, accuracy and user-friendliness.
‘Apart from other advancements, a strong point of Renuka Softtec’s ERP solutions is its speed, which helps us save a tremendous amount of time,’ added Sayani. ‘For example, when we processed costing using our previous software, it took up to 30 minutes or even an hour in some cases. However, today, we can have the costing ready in five minutes using the software of Renuka Softtec.’
However, according to Sayani, the decision to invest in Renuka Softtec’s software was not just about efficiency but also about the company’s after-sales support.
‘We receive round-the-clock support, with prompt and helpful responses whenever we contact the company. The team’s comprehensive understanding of printing technologies and the industry proves invaluable in various aspects, including management and cost-saving, through its software,’ concluded Sayani.
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