Selling your business without regret

Bob Cronin of The Open Approach addresses the five biggest challenges faced by converters considering selling their business
Selling your business without regret

Today’s hot selling market has piqued the interests of entrepreneurs everywhere. Label companies of every type are realizing that the current market affords some of the greatest selling opportunity in years. Yet, there are always issues that cause hesitation. And rightfully so; you’ve built your business over years, or even decades, and you sell it only once. How do you know that the current market is truly the best time to sell?

In our business at The Open Approach, this is perhaps the question we hear most. Unfortunately, the answer is not clear-cut. Depending on your expectations, objectives – and issues – your ‘right’ time can be one of many. Not every company should sell in today’s environment. However, no company should be ‘held hostage’ by fear or circumstance.

This article, thus, takes on today’s top five challenges expressed by my column’s readers. Though it won’t be a definitive evaluation to support your decision, it should be a start for your thinking. Peruse these ideas as you make your considerations. Then feel free to contact me for further assistance at any time.

Read the full article in L&L issue 6, 2015, and here


Bob Cronin

Bob Cronin

  • M&A columnist