FDA allows milk alternatives to be called milk
Keeping up with labeling requirements made easier with automation (This article has been provided to Labels & Labeling by GlobalVision)

In a recent FDA ruling, plant-based and alternative milks can officially be called milk, regardless of its origin.
In 1973, the FDA defined milk by saying it had to come from a lactating animal.
In recent years, there has been a rise in vegan and plant-based diets and a major pivot toward plant-based alternatives that has slowly turned dairy aisles into everything but. Oat, soy, rice, coconut, cashew, hazelnut and hemp are just a few alternatives that were labeled as 'milk’.
In February 2023 the FDA ruled that plant-based milk alternatives can use the term 'milk’ under one minor condition. Though not a requirement, the FDA recommends that plant-based milk manufacturers state that their alternatives have different nutritional values than cow’s milk.
Keeping up with FDA labeling requirements
As was the case in this instance, the FDA labeling requirements can change in an instant. These unexpected and oftentimes abrupt changes make keeping up with FDA guidelines anything but easy, however, there is a solution for helping brands in highly regulated industries update their documentation, labeling and promotional materials.
Automated proofreading technology is the quality control technology allowing regulatory and promotional teams to ensure that correct changes are being made while remaining FDA compliant. When new guidelines are introduced, it’s likely that what has now become outdated labels and packaging are still in numerous phases of production. Having to halt manufacturing processes or production lines to adjust content can be highly time-consuming and lead to severe setbacks that brands simply cannot afford.
With automated proofreading technology, manufacturers can make sure that the appropriate changes have been applied, by instantly comparing revisions and production files to their FDA-approved file. What would have manually taken hours or days to modify can now be completed in mere seconds to minutes through automation, and no downtime is necessary.
Moreover, editorial and creative teams can automatically proofread critical content across various marketing channels including websites, emails, social media, and more through proofreading software. After the necessary changes have been applied to all marketing materials, proofreading software can inspect pages to ensure only the intended changes have been made, and that comprehensively, their new content is completely up-to-date and FDA-approved.
Brands have already been benefiting from automated proofreading technology for years, allowing them to avoid non-compliance issues such as misprints, recalls, and sanctions, thereby protecting their brand, while saving time and money. With automated proofreading technology, manufacturers in regulated industries can rest assured that all labels, packaging, and marketing materials are clearly and proudly displaying their products for what they are.
Are you eager to reduce revision cycles and elevate your quality control processes? Download GlobalVision’s guide to meeting FDA labeling requirements and learn how automated proofreading technology can help you maintain FDA labeling requirements.
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