Nuvae Healthcare opts for Constantia’s packaging

Constantia Flexibles has partnered with its newest customer, Nuvae Healthcare, located in Ahmedabad, India, to bring the recyclable flexible packaging technology EcoLamPlus to its consumers.

Constantia Flexibles has partnered with its newest customer, Nuvae Healthcare, located in Ahmedabad, India, to bring the recyclable flexible packaging technology EcoLamPlus to its consumers

Nuvae Healthcare handcrafts one of its most important products, the Gosan hand sanitizer in small batches. It is an easy-to-use 70 percent alcohol-based liquid for water-free cleansing. The company opted for a complete recyclable packaging made of EcoLamPlus.

EcoLamPlus laminate is one of Constantia Flexibles’ products in the monopolymer EcoLam packaging family based on PE. It has been developed to replace non-recyclable multipolymer structures where water vapor and oxygen barrier are needed. It also helps to sustain highly volatile products like alcohol.

‘It’s a huge honor for us to partner with Nuvae Healthcare as our valued customer and to package its product, Gosan hand sanitizer, with our recyclable EcoLamPlus laminates. Health and safety is one of our key pillars and that’s why Nuvae Healthcare is such a strong partner for us,’ said Tony Sirohi, executive chairman at Constantia Flexibles India. ‘We are glad to have this successful and sustainable venture. Looking forward to further joint projects.’

‘We are very proud of our unique formula of Gosan. It revolutionizes personal hygiene by making it simple and highly effective. It is paraben free, cruelty free, and vegan. The health and well being of all people are our priority. Therefore, it makes sense to also use packaging that is fully recyclable, just like EcoLamPlus. It’s a perfect combination of protecting the environment and our customers,’ added Utsavi Parekh, director of Nuvae Healthcare.