The Mark Andy press will support Elm Press' goal of expanding its label division.
S Kumar Multiproducts, which represents Zonten in India, sells 21 machines.
Labelexpo South China 2024 takes place between December 4-6, 2024. L&L China editor Yolanda Wang previews the exhibitors from A to Z.
The transaction enhances hubergroup’s market position, strengthens its financial base, and increases investments in high-impact areas.
The new platform complements on-site training, offers flexible learning options and helps customers manage workforce challenges.
Through this collaboration, FLAG's independent converters will access IMP's comprehensive portfolio of thermal ribbons.
APR to offer Elba portfolio for customers in the US and Canada.
Mexican converter purchases new flexo press impressed with its Black Strom technology.
The program improvements will help expand its reach and bring more stability to the PCR market.
Wilma Beaty has experience in both human resources and legal roles.
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