Print Scotland appoints new board members

Print Scotland, the trade association and voice of Scotland’s graphic communication industry, has appointed Susan Carr of CV Labels and Lex Kellett of CCL Design to its Board.

Print Scotland has appointed Susan Carr of CV Labels and Lex Kellett of CCL Design to its Board

Print Scotland president Susan Graham has welcomed the accession to the board of Susan Carr, sales director of Irvine-based CV Labels, which specializes in pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare labeling, and Lex Kellett of CCL Design, a global supplier of labels for electronics, automotive and industrial applications that operates from East Kilbride.

‘I am delighted to have joined the board of Print Scotland. With 21 years in the sector, I was conscious that the label printing sector was not represented on the Print Scotland board and was keen to address that,’ commented Carr. ‘Our family-owned business has been active throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, producing labels for test kits. We deal with many pharmaceutical companies across the UK, and our business is growing year on year. 

‘As the only label manufacturer in Scotland with PS9000, an accreditation that defines specific requirements and guidance for good manufacturing practice relating to packaging materials for medicinal products, we have a unique selling point. Our business was established in 1989, and over the years we have developed a portfolio of innovative labeling solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.

‘My focus at Print Scotland will be on encouraging its already extensive efforts to attract apprentices into our industry. This is vital for our collective future and is the principal reason CV Labels joined some years ago. We currently have two apprentices who are doing well and have had a positive impact on our business.’

Kellett, who has spent the past 11 years as CCL Design’s worldwide director with responsibility for its global supply chain, believes it was the right time to join the board, partly as a means of giving back, and also to bring a different approach, and a global perspective, to the print industry in Scotland.

‘Like Susan, I thought the voice of the labeling sector was missing from Print Scotland and I am pleased that this has now been strengthened significantly. We joined Print Scotland as a result of its leading-edge approach to attracting young people into print. We currently have two apprentices, one of whom, Robby McCann, was a recent award winner, and we hope to hire many more in the future,’ commented Kellett.

CCL Industries is one of the world’s largest label businesses and since CCL Design undertakes work for electronics and medical device customers, inevitably had a busy Covid period when demand for laptops, network infrastructure and field hospitals soared.

‘As to the future of Print Scotland, there are a great many positives which we need to develop further, and a gearing-up of our apprenticeship program is key,’ said Kellett. ‘There are lots of challenges coming up, so member businesses will need help in such important areas as sustainability, the plastic tax, and greater global pressures having an impact on supply chains.

‘I believe we have the right people on the Print Scotland board and I hope we can continue improving our diversity. The Collective synergy is good and everyone is working well together.’

‘I am confident that Susan and Lex will make a significant contribution to Print Scotland. They are wholly dedicated to serving the best interests of our members in ensuring a bright and prosperous future for our industry,’ concluded Print Scotland president Susan Graham.

Print Scotland provides training for Modern Apprentices through the Scottish Training Scheme, which provides a grant from the Scottish Government to cover the cost of the training. It also offers a range of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) and Modern Apprenticeship (MA) certifications.