Justin Nowell promoted to digital director of Pico division.
Indian converter adds Rhyguan Plus 330 digital finisher from Flexo Image Graphics (FIG).
Company unveils new co-creation platform and an experience center for the packaging industry.
The report focuses on the company’s commitment to sustainability and circular economy.
Recovery in post-Covid China has not been smooth, and the label industry is no exception. Still, innovation in the region continues.
Economic observers are paying close attention to Africa, and the label industry takes note.
‘APAC set for significant growth’, read the market focus article last year. So, was 2023 a massive success or a streak of unfulfilled hopes?
The Indian government is promoting ‘Make in India’, which encourages start-ups, e-commerce and a younger generation of eco-conscious consumers.
Optimism remains for the year ahead despite a sluggish Latin American market in 2023.
Facing rising costs, uncertain demand and workforce challenges, converters are turning to automation for answers.
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