Avery Dennison launches self-adhesive medallions
Selective wine and spirits brands use three-dimensional solid metallic cartouches and medallions to emphasize the exclusive, luxurious and authentic character of their product. But with this popular packaging component requiring manual application, Avery Dennison has developed an automatic dispensing self-adhesive application: the Fasson Silver Foil Emboss.
‘When Courvoisier, the world-renowned French cognac brand, and its label printer Lithobru were looking for a self-adhesive application to replace the solid metal Napoléon medallion on their cognac bottle, we found a solution that we had developed in another segment with Printor Packaging and adapted it to meet their needs,’ said Gwenaelle Le Garrec, Avery Dennison European wine and spirits marketing manager. ‘The results were better than expected. The new product has all the benefits of a self-adhesive label, such as high cost efficiency, automatic dispensing and high flexibility in design, but doesn’t compromise the exclusive character of the medallion. On the contrary, we believe that Fasson Silver Foil Emboss offers significantly more design options to emphasize the exclusive character of the product.’
Using lacquered aluminum, Fasson Silver Foil Emboss allows the brand owner to take the design further. The thickness of the construction enables the printer to use techniques such as deep embossing, vinyl inks and luminescent varnish to help designers. The new product makes the images and text on the medallions more pronounced and precise than a metal medallion or cartouche, and allows for a more differentiated packaging design.
‘The Napoleon medallion on our VSOP cognac is a critical element in our brand identity,’ said Laurent Deligand, packaging development and purchasing manager, Courvoisier. ‘The new self-adhesive solution enhances our embossing pattern so that the relief is more pronounced and impactful on the shelf. Self-adhesive labels also reduce the complexity of producing the medallion as we can produce it on our bottling lines. We’re very pleased with the result on our bottles and in our operations.’
Pictured: The Napoleon medallion on Courvoisier’s VSOP cognac is a critical element in its brand identity
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