Colordyne upgrades Production Class digital press engine

Colordyne Technologies (CDT) has introduced the 2600 Series, an upgraded print engine powered by Memjet technology, for its Production Class digital color printing system and flexo retrofit program.

Colordyne has upgraded its 1600 Production Class series digital presses

The 2600 Series upgrade increases the speed of the Production Class presses to 225 ft/min (69 m/min), up from 160 ft/min. Print resolution has been increased to 1600 x 1375 dpi, up from 1600 x 1200 dpi.

Other new features include: enhanced print quality, as uncompressed files are now sent directly to the print engine; a more powerful RIP for faster data processing, so there is no need to pre-RIP; RIP and print on-the-fly: and job chaining abilities, so print jobs can be switched continuously without stopping the machine.

The 2600 upgrade brings industry-standard Harlequin RIP (HDS) Frequency Modulation (FM) screening and a PDF workflow.

The press is also provided with larger ink containers, with 55 L ink tanks per color an option in addition to the current 10 L ink tanks. 

‘The 2600 Series of Digital Production Class printers raises the bar for quality and efficiency in comparison to our existing 1600 Series product line,’ said Gary Falconbridge, CDT president and CEO. ‘Colordyne has not only increased image quality through improved resolution and screening but has also significantly increased print speed.’

The 2600 Series print engine technology can be retrofitted onto existing CDT 
1600-PC Laser Pro, Rotary Pro, and Sprint units. The new 2600 Series print engine has been automatically fitted on all CDT engines built since the second quarter of this year.