Cimpress plans to contribute to the development of the HP Indigo 120K digital press and will purchase multiple units to upgrade its fleet.
Indian trade shop made the final decision to invest in Shine LED Lamps to retrofit to its two exposure units at drupa 2024.
Connecticut and New York facilities receive Renewable Energy Certificates.
Indian converter sees an increase in volumes and net new customers with the new press.
The deal includes several units of HP Indigo V12, HP Indigo 200K and the enhanced version of the HP PageWide Advantage 2200.
US based brewery bags this year's INX contest.
Indian converter adds the digital press to meet the growing demand for short run sustainable packaging.
This strategic expansion is in response to GM's growing client base.
Italian converter first in Europe to adopt Asahi's AWP CleanPrint water-wash plates and AWP-Loop water recycling unit.
Manufacturer launches new products for connected production line, enabling seamless end-to-end workflows.
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